• Exceptional Women in the Workplace

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 1 year ago

    Exceptional Voices Podcast

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 1 year ago


    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    Exceptional Voices Podcast

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 1 year ago

    A Podcast Celebrating Prison Leaver Employment


    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    Engage, Motivate, Employ


    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    Ban the Box and Boots

    Catch22- Employer Focus

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    How to get involved

    Code 4000 and Catch22

    Guest Contributor - Catch 22, about 3 years ago

    Teaching prisoners the digital skills they need to thrive

    Grid for Good

    Guest Contributor - Catch 22, about 3 years ago

    Sustainable pathways into the energy sector


    Guest Contributor - Catch 22, about 3 years ago

    Supporting great people into great jobs in the hospitality sector


    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    Public service reform and rehabilitative change.

    Code Your Future

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    Learn to code and change your life.

  • Why is diversity good for my business?

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago

    Where can employers advertise roles to people with convictions?

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 3 years ago


    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

    Mind the Gap 2020

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

    Employing ex-offenders to address the skills gap in built environments

    2019 Koestler Arts Award: Stage Play Focus

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

    Theatre in criminal justice environments

    A Second Chance

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

    Great Service by Great People: Stories of Lives Regained

    Why Employment Works

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

    2019 Round Up

    In Conversation: Education and Employment

    Sophie O'Sullivan, about 5 years ago

    What do education and employment have to say to one another?

    'I'm Still Here': The Koestler Awards 2018

    James Gourlay, about 5 years ago

    Koestler Trust: Arts for Offenders

    Tapping into New Talent Event: The Corbett Network

    James Gourlay, about 5 years ago

    encouraging businesses to start employing those with criminal records