They canBenefit TheWhole Company
of organisations that chose to promote their appointing of ex-offenders in the media reported a positive effect on their corporate reputation.
Source: CIPD, Employing ex-offenders to capture talent, May 2007
They AreAn ExceptionalWorkforce
Those who have employed people with convictions:
say they are at least as productive
say they performed at least as well
reported a negative experience

SOURCE: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, “Employing ex-offenders to capture talent”, May 2007, p.8
They AreAn ExceptionalWorkforce
The vast majority of the people that we have employed are still working with us and are valued members of our team.
RICHARD BRANSON Founder of Virgin Group
These women have guts, focus and talent. I would be happy to have any of them as a colleague.
PAUL BRADLEY, Big Lottery Fund
I find the staff we’ve recruited from prisons are among the best colleagues we’ve got.
JAMES TIMPSON Managing Director of Timpsons
Giving Them A ChanceIs Good For Society
Employment reduces the likelihood of re-offending by up to
SOURCE: Ministry of Justice, 2013