Thoughts, stories and events to share

COVID 19: Our Response

Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

The Exceptionals team would like to extend our thanks to the incredible organisations working within the criminal justice sector who are doing everything they can in order to support service users and those leaving prison during this very difficult time.

We recognise that this is an especially challenging moment for employers and we will continue to provide support and guidance. We have many useful resources on our website and we are directly available through our online channels.

We would like to update our community and our partners on our current position. For now, we are hitting pause on our campaign. During this time, we are looking forward to developing innovative resources to inform and inspire businesses at all stages of the recruitment process. We are hoping to restart the campaign when we arrive at the other side of the pandemic.

There is still exceptional talent leaving prison and they are eager to work. It is important that we continue to invest in their potential.

We offer our solidarity to everyone in our network. We're in this together.